Submissions from 2024
Reverse Inclusion at the Intermediate Level, Mallory Bebout
Effects of Social-Emotional Learning on Student Perceptions of Themselves, Their Academics, and Their Behaviors, Tera Broderick
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Restorative Practices in the Classroom, Susan Brown
The Impact of Choice-Based Assessments on First Grade Science Achievement, Emily Dworak
Traditional versus Modern Learning Strategies, Jade Erickson
Implementing Family-Centered Practices as a Family Service Coordinator to Improve Early Intervention Outcome, Ashlee Fincher
The Role of Trauma and Social-Emotional Learning on Academic Achievement, Kayela Gearhart
Enhancing 4th Grade Classroom Engagement Through Flexible Seating and Interactive Learning Strategies., Hannah Goetler
Problem-Based Learning vs. Direct Instruction: A Case for Independence, Nicholas Heider
Assistive Technology in Early Childhood for Language and Communication, Katherine Kemp
The Impact of Identifying Early Intervention Needs in Infants and Toddlers, Jennifer L. McGregor
Social Emotional Learning and Positive Impact of Students Who have Faced Trauma, Brittany Meyers
Impacts of Whole Class Interventions on Student Outcomes, Katie Pedersen
Cooperative Learning and the Effects on Knowledge Retention and Positive Peer Relationships, Cathy Ray
Do the Winners Really Get to Write History? The Use of Perspective-taking Journaling in Teaching Multiperspectivity, Rylie Stanton
Improving Math Anxiety Through Math Intervention, Nicole Wimmer
Improving Students’ Sense of Belonging at School: A School Improvement Plan, Madison Alvarado
Improving Student Outcomes with Project-Based Learning, Tyler Archer
The Intersection of Culture and Character in Diverse Classrooms, Laura Balmer
Research and Benefits of the Outdoor Learning Lab: A School Improvement Project, Crystal A. Berkenes
Utilizing Goal Setting to Increase Deep Coaching Interactions, Denise M. Bily
Play-based Learning: A School Improvement Plan, Pamela Butler
Strengthening Parental Involvement, Danielle M. Castaneda
Preparing Teachers for the Rise of Challenging Behaviors, Abbie Chesling
Enhancing Self-Concept Among Preschoolers, Amanda Collings
Implementing PBIS with Fidelity, Emily Distler
Using Data-Driven Decision-Making to Guide Instructional Strategies in the Classroom: A School Improvement Plan, Samantha Dolezal
The Impact of Incorporating Technology on Student Engagement and Achievement in an Elementary Classroom, Amanda Donahoo
A Comprehensive Mentoring Program to Enhance Teacher Self-Efficacy and Reduce Burnout, Stacy L. Evans
Parent and Community Involvement in Schools, Katie Freking
Improving Literacy Instruction for Young Students with Autism, Angie Geetings
Implementation of Universal Design for Learning in the k-12 School Setting, Jaecy Hauge
Building School Culture Improves Students’ Mental Health, Katie Henrichs
Does a Co-Teaching Model Increase Math Assessment Scores?, Kate Jackson
Enhancing Child Development Using Play in the K-5 Curriculum, Carlee Jensen
Improving Staff Retention by Lowering Teacher Burnout, Jacob Johnson
Effective Classroom Instruction for ELL Students, Kyle Johnson
Incorporating Play-based Learning in Early Childhood Education, Cari Klemme
Teaching Practices to Prevent and Support Challenging Behaviors in Early Childhood Classrooms, Abigail Koster
Ensuring the Effectiveness of Reading and Mathematics Interventions, Bethany Lange
Enhancing Inclusion through Universal Design for Learning and Collaboration, Arianna Lumpa
Social Emotional Learning Program: A School Improvement Plan, Emily Lynch
Adopting Trauma-Invested Practices, Strategies, and Interventions, Tara F.K. Lynn
The Impact of Using Professional Development to Support Language Development Focused Adult-Child Interactions with Toddlers, Denise McCarty
Building a Foundation of Phonemic Awareness in Preschool Children, Marti Meissner
Impact of Social-Emotional Programs, Heidi Nannemann
Multi-Tiered System of Supports: Positive Student Impacts, Taylor Panoch
The Incorporation of Social-Emotional Learning into The School Setting, Josh Reynolds
Improving Student Behaviors with Social-Emotional Learning, Sydney Scholz