Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 2024


This inquiry-based research project evaluates the effectiveness of restorative practices in addressing student misbehavior and improving school culture within elementary classrooms. The study examines the impact of restorative practices, such as restorative circles and conferences, on reducing reported behaviors and exclusionary disciplinary measures such as suspensions, while fostering an inclusive and supportive school environment. The research was conducted at Libby Booth Elementary School, with a focus on two classrooms during the 2023- 2024 academic year. Using a mixed-methods approach, both quantitative data on student behavior and qualitative surveys from a teacher survey were collected and analyzed. The findings reveal that restorative practices resulted in a reduction in minor behavioral incidents, particularly defiance and aggression, although some major behaviors, such as disrespect for school rules, showed slight increases in the subsequent year. Despite challenges such as insufficient training and time constraints, teachers reported positive effects on student relationships and classroom dynamics. The study highlights the potential of restorative practices to improve student behavior and school culture but also underscores the need for consistent implementation, ongoing professional development, and a school-wide commitment to restorative practices for sustained impact. Recommendations for future research include longitudinal studies and the exploration of broader systemic factors influencing the effectiveness of restorative practices

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