Submissions from 2020
Feedback and the Effects on Progress Monitoring, Dana Peschon
How Do Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Systems Impact Students, Melinda Rice
Directed, Structured Fine Motor Activities and Handwriting Development, Maggie Rozenboom
Dyslexia in Schools, Marcie Sienknecht
The Impact of Peer-Mediated Instruction for Students with Disabilities in the Inclusive Early Childhood Classroom, Amanda Smith
Impacts of Parent Involvement on Student Success at the Secondary Grade Levels, Kimberly Sorbo
The Impact of Self-Assessments Used with Formative Assessments on Student Achievement, Megan Camille Todd
Handwriting Without Tears and Its Affect on Lowercase Writing, Cynthia Ungs
Promoting Play-Based Learning at Home, Canada C. VanderVelde
Using Rubrics and Self-Monitoring With Young Children, Jackie White
How Does Trauma Affect Preschoolers?, Lisa Wolterman
Flexible Seating in the Classroom, Sara N. Wright
Submissions from 2019
The Effects of Early Technology Use on the Development of Young Children, Kara E. Avis
Influence of Phonics Instruction on Reading Fluency and Accuracy, Shelby Bolkema
Musical Group Participation and Reading Fluency: Is there a connection?, Kimberly Breamer
The Use of Learning Centers in the Kindergarten Classroom, Debra J. Hamand
Family/Caregiver Engagement in Early Intervention, Jessica Hawkins
Growth Mindset in Physical Education, Kyle Herber
Increasing Students’ Levels of Fluency by Reinforcing Sounds and Syllabic Recognition in their First Language of Spanish, Janelly Chacon Isaac
Gamification of the Classroom: Seeking to Improve Student Learning and Engagement, Kyle Iverson
The Impact of Physical Activity Breaks in the Classroom, Ryan Iverson
The Implications of Blended Learning in Today’s Classroom: A Look into the History, Views, Impacts, and Research, Sarah Jones
The Use of Kagan Cooperative Learning Structures in Music Education to Promote Rhythm Skills and Knowledge, Emily Labes
Trauma-Informed Schools: Impacts for Students and Applications for Educators, Megan Meister
How Mindsets Impact Learning, Kari Mueller
Preschool Students Learning from Play Based Learning and Small Group Instruction, Molly Nicholson
The Impact of Making Reading Heavenly Instruction on Fluency and Accuracy, Hannah Sefcik
Social Emotional Development in Early Childhood, Dawn Askeland
Number Sense and the Effects on Students’ Mathematical Success, Macy Jean Baker
The Importance of Foreign Language Education at the Elementary Level, Dennys Canto
Social/Emotional Interventions and their Impact on Student Achievement, Janee Carson
Effects of Movement on Student Achievement, Nicole Davidson
Impacts of Project-Based Learning on Student Engagement, Dale De Jong
Morning Meeting: An Examination of its Effect on Student Behavior and Peer Relationships, Allison Dooley
Impacting Student Learning Outcomes by Addressing Basic Needs of Students and Their Families, Nicole Gossling
The Impact of Early Math and Numeracy Skills on Academic Achievement in Elementary School, Payton Guhl
Impacts of Parental Involvement on Early Literacy Skills, Sara Harlan
Using Role Play to Teach Social Emotional Skills in the Early Childhood Classroom, Rebecca Havens
Minimizing Student in Crisis Incidents Through the Cultivation of Positive Teacher-Student Relationships, Nicole L. Jass
The Impact Student Behavior has on Learning, Ashton J. Kirkpatrick
Effective Reading Strategies That Increase Reading Fluency, Tina Kurimski
The Trauma Informed School: Effects on Student Success, Emily Larson
IDEA Compliant Transition Program for High School Students with Mild to Moderate Disabilities, Crystal Lewis
The Effectiveness of Student-Centered Technology Use During Early Elementary Small Group Math Instruction, Brenna Lind
Choice-Based Learning in the Art Room, Carrie J. Mathison
How are Students Placed in Special Education Treated with Equity and Provided a Free and Appropriate Education in the Least Restrictive Environment?, Elizabeth Matthies
Movement and Action: Action-Based learning in the Classroom, Jordan Nguyen
PBIS in Middle School: Did PBIS Implemenation Have An Impact on Office Discipline Referrals?, Patrice Peters
Female High School Athlete's Confidence about their Future in College Athletics, Adam Potter