Submissions from 2019
Impacting Student Learning Outcomes by Addressing Basic Needs of Students and Their Families, Nicole Gossling
The Impact of Early Math and Numeracy Skills on Academic Achievement in Elementary School, Payton Guhl
Impacts of Parental Involvement on Early Literacy Skills, Sara Harlan
Using Role Play to Teach Social Emotional Skills in the Early Childhood Classroom, Rebecca Havens
Minimizing Student in Crisis Incidents Through the Cultivation of Positive Teacher-Student Relationships, Nicole L. Jass
The Impact Student Behavior has on Learning, Ashton J. Kirkpatrick
Effective Reading Strategies That Increase Reading Fluency, Tina Kurimski
The Trauma Informed School: Effects on Student Success, Emily Larson
IDEA Compliant Transition Program for High School Students with Mild to Moderate Disabilities, Crystal Lewis
The Effectiveness of Student-Centered Technology Use During Early Elementary Small Group Math Instruction, Brenna Lind
Choice-Based Learning in the Art Room, Carrie J. Mathison
How are Students Placed in Special Education Treated with Equity and Provided a Free and Appropriate Education in the Least Restrictive Environment?, Elizabeth Matthies
Movement and Action: Action-Based learning in the Classroom, Jordan Nguyen
PBIS in Middle School: Did PBIS Implemenation Have An Impact on Office Discipline Referrals?, Patrice Peters
Female High School Athlete's Confidence about their Future in College Athletics, Adam Potter
Difference between Behavior and Engagement By Comparing Teaching Styles, Kimberly A. Rozeboom
The Effects of GeoGebra on Student Achievements, Critical Thinking/Problem-Solving Skills, and Engagement/Motivation in High School Mathematics, Zachary Schaver
Benefits and Disadvantages of Inclusion in an Elementary School Setting, Christina Sieber
Social Stories and Student Behavior in a Kindergarten Classroom, Amy Smith
The Use of Nonsense Words in the Early Elementary, Susan M. Stover
Impact of Parental Involvement on Literacy Skills in Early Childhood, Megan Stutzel
Equipping Special Needs Ministries in the Church and/or School, Leah Van Tol
The Impact of Play-based Learning, Lauren Walther
Utilizing iPad Applications to Increase Preschool Students’ Knowledge of Rhyme, Trisha Whelan
Boosting Reading Comprehension Through Response Activities, Carrie Wilkison
Increasing Engagement During Circle Time Using Technology, Amanda Williams
The Effects of Felt Piece Manipulative Integration on Preschoolers’ Abilities to Retell Stories, Megan Alexander
Impact of a Coaching Cycle on Teacher Self-Efficacy, Amanda Becker
Does Goal Setting Make a Better Reader?, Elayna Bierle
The Impact of Within-Class Grouping Vs. Within-Grade Grouping, Johannah Bloemendaal
The Effects of the Implementation of Peer-Mediated Strategies on Student Social-Emotional Growth in Fully Inclusive Preschools, Holland Eggert
Using Guided Play to Acquire Literacy Skills, Kimberly Farrell
Melody Attention Grabber, Brandi Hass
The Impact of Heterogeneous or Homogeneous Grouping on Improving Early Elementary Students’ Fluency Scores, Margaret Hora
Advancing Technology Integration and Curriculum through the Role of a Technology Coach in Elementary Schools, Kendall Huisman
How Inclusion Affects Students in the ELA Classroom, Nicole K. Jones
The Impact of Explicit Social Skills Instruction and Increased Play in a Kindergarten Special Education Classroom, Samantha Klaren
How Blended Learning Impacts Student Engagement in an Early Childhood Classroom, Natalie Kocour
Peer Learning Strategies versus Computer-based Fact Programs of Basic Subtraction Facts at the Second Grade Level, Katie Kregel
Benefits of Modifications and Accommodations Training, Brandie J. Malm
Creative Writing in the Social Studies Classroom: Improving Student Achievement, Hannah Potter
The Effects of Imitation, Modeling, and Prompting on Play Skills of Young Children with Disabilities, Andrea Rau
Children Overcoming Trauma through Trauma Informed Practices, Erin Reed
Vocabulary Development in Preschool English Language Learners, Annie Van Der Zwaag
The Impact of Technology on Handwriting Instruction in Kindergarten Students, Tricia Van Regenmorter
The Effects of Goal Setting and Data Tracking on Student Performance, Vesta Watkins
Poverty in the School Setting, Brienna Wolf
Submissions from 2018
Relationship Between Movement and Student Behaviors, Amy L. Ackerman
The Technology Students Prefer for Their Learning, Lisa Allen
Adequate Use of Technology and Effects on Young Children, Jackie Breuer