Content Posted in 2019
Academic and Musical Success by Gender Separation, Adam Radcliffe
Adequate Use of Technology and Effects on Young Children, Jackie Breuer
Adequate Use of Technology and Effects on Young Children, Jackie Breuer
Advancing Technology Integration and Curriculum through the Role of a Technology Coach in Elementary Schools, Kendall Huisman
Animal Figure Handles on Bowl or Ceremonial Dish
Annotation of Four Novel Mycobacteriophages: Beelzebub, Raela, RedRaider77, and Antonia, Michaela Aulner, Kristina Sevcik, and Peace Preston
Annotation of Two Soil Mycobacteriophages: JacoRen57 and DrLupo, Ali Almail, Kelsey Dorhout, Jackson Johnson, Hannah Jorgensen, Byron Noordewier, and Sara S. Tolsma
Anti-proliferative Effects of Common Plant Extracts on Tumor Cells in Vitro, Joseph Kelly, Christopher Borchers, Perkins Aiyegbeni, Paige Boote, Brittany Buren, Katie DeKruyff, Emily Geraets, Chau Le, Rachel Mercer, Courtney Mithelman, Haley Muyskens, Renju Pun, Zachary Rosson, and Sara S. Tolsma
“Are You White or Dutch?”: Hendrina Hospers and Living among Apaches, Douglas Firth Anderson
Belgian Flag, September 1944, Ralph Mouw
Benefits of Modifications and Accommodations Training, Brandie J. Malm
Best Practice for the Treatment of Intertrigo, Melanie Enkhorn, Ingrid Ramirez, Moriah Lee, and Hannah Barber
Building a Better College: Estimating the Effects of New Athletic Facilities on the Enrollment Decisions of Student-Athletes, Alex Vander Stoep
Certificate Appointing Ralph Mouw Captain, September 29, 1944, Ralph Mouw
Certificate from the Army of the United States, June 1, 1942, R. D. Schmidt
Children Overcoming Trauma through Trauma Informed Practices, Erin Reed
Christmas Card, 1942, Ralph Mouw
Compassion Fatigue, Abigail Wanninger, Courtney Riley, Karli Hofer, and Maddie Swift
Cooperative Learning in Math Education, Leah Kane
Creative Writing in the Social Studies Classroom: Improving Student Achievement, Hannah Potter
Deeper into Superficiality, Donald H. Wacome
Delayed Umbilical Cord Clamping: Effects on Extrauterine Transition in Full-Term Infants, Brenna Ellington
Does Daily Exposure through the Use of Nursery Rhymes Better Support Students’ Phonological Awareness Skill Development?, Jordan Redig
Does Goal Setting Make a Better Reader?, Elayna Bierle
Do Upper Elementary Students Have Higher Grades When They Complete Their Homework?, Kristie A. Olson
Effectiveness of Growth Mindset in the Classroom, Amanda Feller
Effects of Instruction on Basic Addition Fluency for Second Grade Students, Heidi Borton
Effects of Print in Early Childhood Programs, Marcie Lentsch
Efficacy of Curos Caps in Infection Reduction, Betsy Bolt, Cherish Shuka, Kassidy De Jong, and Megan Young
External Catheters and Reducing Adverse Effects in Female Inpatients, Ellie Bleeker, Allison Koehlmoos, Elizabeth Glover, Alexandria Helmink, and Michelle Van Wyhe
Extract from Fort Crook Induction Station Headquarters, E. K. Crowley
Flexible Alternative Seating in the Classroom and On Task Behavior, Brandi Benedict
Fort Sill Postcard, 1942, Ralph Mouw
Gangsta Rap as Political and Rhetorical Discourse, Emma Van Drie
German Patch, 1944, Ralph Mouw
Grecian Urn, Miniature Reproduction
How Blended Learning Impacts Student Engagement in an Early Childhood Classroom, Natalie Kocour
How Does the Use of Visuals Affect Challenging Behaviors in the Preschool Classroom?, Shadley Grimes
How Do Visuals Affect Challenging Behaviors in the Preschool Classroom?, Shadley Grimes and Sara Waring-Tiedeman
How Inclusion Affects Students in the ELA Classroom, Nicole K. Jones
Impact of a Coaching Cycle on Teacher Self-Efficacy, Amanda Becker
Impact of Athletics on Academic Performance at NWC, Matthew Scott and Brant Vermeer
Increasing Family Involvement with the Use of Technology, Briana Riddle
Intentional Teaching in Kindergarten: Combining Academic Instruction and Developmentally Appropriate Practices, Amy Borkowski
Intentional Teaching in Kindergarten: Combining Academic Instruction and Developmentally Appropriate Practices, Amy Borkowski
Introduction, Douglas Firth Anderson, Greta Breukelman Grond, and Sara R. Huyser
Intuitions about God and Satan: The relationship of mentalizing and imagination with the experience of supernatural good and evil, Paige Boote, Ethan Husbands, Taelor Lamansky, Rebekah Muilenburg, Hannah Paauw, and Bailey Swain
Investigating mycobacteriophage cluster relationships: Characterization of anti-mycobacteriophage antibodies, Emily Geraets and Sara Sybesma Tolsma
Investigating the Potential of the Flipped Classroom Model in Secondary Mathematics, Allison Birdsall
Just Making Small Talk?: A Fresh Look Inside Mundane Conversation, Alex Currier
Kagan Strategies in the Preschool Classroom and their Effectiveness with Engagement and Academic Response, Megan Smith
Lessons from Lesser Kings: Irony and Kingship in Books IV and V of Bede’s Ecclesiastical History, Robert Winn
Listening with Humility, Diana Gonzalez
Literature Review of Rural Water Fluoridation Cessation, Amanda Klyn, Vaughn Moser, Blake Miller, and Samantha Benson
Meeting the Needs of the Brightest, Sheena Osborne
Melody Attention Grabber, Brandi Hass
Narrative and Christian Education, Heather Van Itallie
Officer's Identification Card, Issued September 14, 1943, Ralph Mouw
On the Age and Creation of the Universe: A Philosophical Perspective, Brant Vermeer
Opportunities to Respond in an Inclusive Early Childhood Classroom, Courtney Schauf
Ornate Vase with Human Figures, Floral and Geometric Designs
Partition of a Team, Elizabeth Ellis
Peer Learning Strategies versus Computer-based Fact Programs of Basic Subtraction Facts at the Second Grade Level, Katie Kregel
Personal Affairs, 980th Field Artillery Battalion Headquarters, October 16, 1943, Ralph Mouw
Photo of Genevieve, 1941, Genevieve Mouw
Picture of Broken Radius Bone, 1944, Ralph Mouw
Play in Early Childhood, Keri Griswold
Potsherds from Caesarea-on-the-Sea, Palestine
Potsherds from Jerash/Gerasa, Jordan
Potsherds from Mycenae, Greece
Potsherds from Samaria-Sebaste
Poverty in the School Setting, Brienna Wolf
Probing the Spt16-Pob3 Interface Through BPA Cross-Linking in Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a Proof of Concept, Ali Almail
Ralph Mouw Photo, 1942, Ralph Mouw
Regimental Shipping Ticket, 1942, James J. Shaug
Registration Certificate, October 16, 1943, Ralph Mouw
Relationship Between Movement and Student Behaviors, Amy L. Ackerman
Remembrances of Former Days in Sioux County, Iowa, Gerrit Draayom
Sight Words and Phonics: The Connection that Helps Early Elementary Students Read Fluently, Stephanie Mulder
Spectrum, 2019, Northwestern College
Student-Centered Collaborative Classrooms and Critical Thinking Skills, Becky Leonard
Summary of 980th F.A. Battalion's Combat, 1944, Ralph Mouw
Technology Strategies for Struggling Readers, Lindsey Johnson
Ten Shillings, 1944, Ralph Mouw
The Bacon, April 27, 2018, Beacon Staff
The Bacon, May 3, 2019, Beacon Staff
The Beacon, April 12, 2019, Beacon Staff
The Beacon, April 13, 2018, Beacon Staff
The Beacon, April 20, 2018, Beacon Staff
The Beacon, April 5, 2019, Beacon Staff
The Beacon, February 1, 2019, Beacon Staff
The Beacon, February 15, 2019, Beacon Staff
The Beacon, February 16, 2018, Beacon Staff
The Beacon, February 2, 2018, Beacon Staff
The Beacon, February 22, 2019, Beacon Staff
The Beacon, February 23, 2018, Beacon Staff
The Beacon, February 8, 2019, Beacon Staff
The Beacon, February 9, 2018, Beacon Staff
The Beacon, January 19, 2018, Beacon Staff
The Beacon, January 25, 2019, Beacon Staff
The Beacon, January 26, 2018, Beacon Staff
The Beacon, March 22, 2019, Beacon Staff
The Beacon, March 23, 2018, Beacon Staff
The Beacon, March 29, 2019, Beacon Staff
The Beacon, November 10, 2017, Beacon Staff
The Beacon, November 16, 2018, Beacon Staff
The Beacon, November 17, 2017, Beacon Staff
The Beacon, November 2, 2018, Beacon Staff
The Beacon, November 30, 2018, Beacon Staff
The Beacon, November 3, 2017, Beacon Staff
The Beacon, November 9, 2018, Beacon Staff
The Beacon, October 27, 2017, Beacon Staff
The Beacon, October 5, 2018, Beacon Staff
The Beacon, October 6, 2017, Beacon Staff
The Beacon, September 14, 2018, Beacon Staff
The Beacon, September 15, 2017, Beacon Staff
The Beacon, September 21, 2018, Beacon Staff
The Beacon, September 22, 2017, Beacon Staff
The Beacon, September 28, 2018, Beacon Staff
The Beacon, September 29, 2017, Beacon Staff
The Beacon, September 8, 2017, Beacon Staff
The Classic, Winter 2018-19, Public Relations
The Effectiveness of Project-Based Learning in the Science Classroom, Jordan TeGrootenhuis
The Effects of Felt Piece Manipulative Integration on Preschoolers’ Abilities to Retell Stories, Megan Alexander
The Effects of Goal Setting and Data Tracking on Student Performance, Vesta Watkins
The Effects of Imitation, Modeling, and Prompting on Play Skills of Young Children with Disabilities, Andrea Rau
The Effects of Second Step in a Prekindergarten Classroom, Victoria Brandenburg
The Effects of Second Step in a Prekindergarten Classroom, Victoria Brandenburg
The Effects of Setting Goals on Accelerated Reader, Austin King
The Effects of the Implementation of Peer-Mediated Strategies on Student Social-Emotional Growth in Fully Inclusive Preschools, Holland Eggert
The Efficacy of Vision Training in Collegiate Baseball Hitting Performance, Connor Tupper
The Ham, December 1, 2017, Beacon Staff
The Ham, December 7, 2018, Beacon Staff
The History of Sioux County, J. W. Warnshuis
The Impact of Explicit Social Skills Instruction and Increased Play in a Kindergarten Special Education Classroom, Samantha Klaren
The Impact of Heterogeneous or Homogeneous Grouping on Improving Early Elementary Students’ Fluency Scores, Margaret Hora
The Impact of Project-Based Learning in the Secondary Classroom, Alan Kies
The Impact of Technology on Handwriting Instruction in Kindergarten Students, Tricia Van Regenmorter
The Impact of Within-Class Grouping Vs. Within-Grade Grouping, Johannah Bloemendaal
The Power of Intentional Planning, Brittany Busch
The Power of Intentional Planning, Brittany Busch and Sara Waring-Tiedeman
The Prevalence of Lower Extremity Non-Contact Injuries in Athletic Populations in Relation to Measured Ankle Dorsiflexion, Logan Richard, Rick Loutsch, and Zachary Riddle
The Standardization of Hebrew Pottery, 7-8th Century
The Technology Students Prefer for Their Learning, Lisa Allen
The Use of Weighted Blankets in Patients with Anxiety, Kelsey Den Hartog, Mariah J. Jansen, Madison Godfredsen, and Eden Burch
Using Guided Play to Acquire Literacy Skills, Kimberly Farrell
Using Music and Movement to Enhance Cognitive Development, Bobbie Jo Pogue
Video Self-Modeling, Reading Aloud, or Silent Reading: Effects of Strategies on Fluency, Rebekah J. Vande Kamp
Video Self-Modeling, Reading Aloud, or Silent Reading: Effects of Strategies on Fluency, Rebekah Vande Kamp
Vocabulary Development in Preschool English Language Learners, Annie Van Der Zwaag
War Savings Bond, October 8, 1942, Ralph Mouw
Western Union Telegram, 1942, Ralph Mouw
Western Union Telegram, October 7, 1942, Ralph Mouw
What Makes a Good Student?, James Warren, Jennifer S. Feenstra Dr., Sydney Batz, and Jordanna Kruse
What Parenting Style Should We Use? A study on the relationship styles in academics and career outlook, Amber Schubert
Why me? Connections between socioeconomic status, religiosity, perceived personal control, and views of suffering, Alex Currier, Emily Starr, Dr. Melanie Nyhof, and Dr. Meghan Page