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The purpose of this action research project was to determine the relationship between modifications and accommodations training for school staff and the academic experience of special education students. Participants were three special education students in a public, inclusive, elementary school setting. Data was collected through I-Ready reading and math testing in August and December of this school year and compared to the same data from the previous year. The research question guiding this study was, would special education student’s educational experience improve when the special education teacher provides a comprehensive modifications and accommodations training for general education teachers and paraprofessionals? Various modifications and accommodations specific to each child were explained and modeled in depth to the general education teacher and paraprofessionals through conferencing with the special education teacher. Any data variances from the I-Ready testing were recorded and later analyzed to suggest that training opportunities affect student achievement in a positive manner. By collaborating with general education teachers and paraprofessionals, special education teachers can better meet the accommodation and modification needs of special education students.
This student also received an Instructional Strategist 1: Mild/Moderate Disabilities endorsement.