Submissions from 2020
Play-Based Early Childhood Curriculum and Early Literacy Success Link, Kristi Clark
Preschool Assessment, Christy Faber
The Importance of Trauma-Informed Practices in Schools, Heather French
The Effects of Teacher-Made Books on Preschoolers Choosing the Book Area, Vanessa Gilbert
The Effect of Social Emotional Skill Instruction on Cognitive Development, La'Toria Horan
Movement to Enhance Learning and On-Task Behavior in Early Childhood Classrooms, Angela James
Movement Matters: The Importance of Incorporating Movement in the Classroom, Dana Kleinjan
Overview of Trauma and Trauma-Informed Practices, Chelsea Larson
Peer Modeling vs. Teacher Modeling for the Inclusive Preschool Classroom, Joshalyn Loutsch
The Power Of Play In Early Childhood Education, Rachel Mary Nichols
Physical Activity Breaks Improve Student Learning, Nicole Nielsen
The Impact of Coaching to Support Professional Development in a Preschool Classroom, Katie Olson
How Do Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Systems Impact Students, Melinda Rice
Pre-A Guided Reading in Early Childhood Literacy Skills, Laura Schumacher
The Impact of Peer-Mediated Instruction for Students with Disabilities in the Inclusive Early Childhood Classroom, Amanda Smith
Effective Methods of Alphabet Instruction for Preschool, Kelsey Throne
Handwriting Without Tears and Its Affect on Lowercase Writing, Cynthia Ungs
Promoting Play-Based Learning at Home, Canada C. VanderVelde
Growth Mindset and its Impact on Math Performance in Third Grade, Alicia Wenger
Using Rubrics and Self-Monitoring With Young Children, Jackie White
How Does Trauma Affect Preschoolers?, Lisa Wolterman
Flexible Seating in the Classroom, Sara N. Wright
Submissions from 2019
Social Emotional Development in Early Childhood, Dawn Askeland
The Effects of Early Technology Use on the Development of Young Children, Kara E. Avis
Effects of Movement on Student Achievement, Nicole Davidson
The Effects of the Implementation of Peer-Mediated Strategies on Student Social-Emotional Growth in Fully Inclusive Preschools, Holland Eggert
Using Guided Play to Acquire Literacy Skills, Kimberly Farrell
Impacting Student Learning Outcomes by Addressing Basic Needs of Students and Their Families, Nicole Gossling
The Impact of Early Math and Numeracy Skills on Academic Achievement in Elementary School, Payton Guhl
The Use of Learning Centers in the Kindergarten Classroom, Debra J. Hamand
Melody Attention Grabber, Brandi Hass
Using Role Play to Teach Social Emotional Skills in the Early Childhood Classroom, Rebecca Havens
Family/Caregiver Engagement in Early Intervention, Jessica Hawkins
Minimizing Student in Crisis Incidents Through the Cultivation of Positive Teacher-Student Relationships, Nicole L. Jass
How Blended Learning Impacts Student Engagement in an Early Childhood Classroom, Natalie Kocour
Peer Learning Strategies versus Computer-based Fact Programs of Basic Subtraction Facts at the Second Grade Level, Katie Kregel
Preschool Students Learning from Play Based Learning and Small Group Instruction, Molly Nicholson
Children Overcoming Trauma through Trauma Informed Practices, Erin Reed
Difference between Behavior and Engagement By Comparing Teaching Styles, Kimberly A. Rozeboom
Social Stories and Student Behavior in a Kindergarten Classroom, Amy Smith
The Use of Nonsense Words in the Early Elementary, Susan M. Stover
Impact of Parental Involvement on Literacy Skills in Early Childhood, Megan Stutzel
Vocabulary Development in Preschool English Language Learners, Annie Van Der Zwaag
The Impact of Technology on Handwriting Instruction in Kindergarten Students, Tricia Van Regenmorter
The Impact of Play-based Learning, Lauren Walther
Utilizing iPad Applications to Increase Preschool Students’ Knowledge of Rhyme, Trisha Whelan
Increasing Engagement During Circle Time Using Technology, Amanda Williams
Poverty in the School Setting, Brienna Wolf
Submissions from 2018
Relationship Between Movement and Student Behaviors, Amy L. Ackerman
Flexible Alternative Seating in the Classroom and On Task Behavior, Brandi Benedict
Intentional Teaching in Kindergarten: Combining Academic Instruction and Developmentally Appropriate Practices, Amy Borkowski
The Effects of Second Step in a Prekindergarten Classroom, Victoria Brandenburg
Adequate Use of Technology and Effects on Young Children, Jackie Breuer
The Power of Intentional Planning, Brittany Busch
The Impact of Technology Selection on Student Literacy Achievement, Elizabeth Daggett
The Effects of Teacher Read Audiobooks on Kindergarten Students’ Motivation and Desire to Read at Choice Time, Marissa De Boer
How Does the Use of Visuals Affect Challenging Behaviors in the Preschool Classroom?, Shadley Grimes
Play in Early Childhood, Keri Griswold
Effects of Print in Early Childhood Programs, Marcie Lentsch
Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Education, Meghan Lettington
The Impact of Social and Emotional Learning on a Kindergarten Classroom, Rachel Mooy
Does Co-teaching Increase Student Engagement, Tiffany Morey
Sight Words and Phonics: The Connection that Helps Early Elementary Students Read Fluently, Stephanie Mulder
Using Music and Movement to Enhance Cognitive Development, Bobbie Jo Pogue
Toilet Training a Child Diagnosed with Autism, Lori Queck
Does Daily Exposure through the Use of Nursery Rhymes Better Support Students’ Phonological Awareness Skill Development?, Jordan Redig
Increasing Family Involvement with the Use of Technology, Briana Riddle
Opportunities to Respond in an Inclusive Early Childhood Classroom, Courtney Schauf
Kagan Strategies in the Preschool Classroom and their Effectiveness with Engagement and Academic Response, Megan Smith
Video Self-Modeling, Reading Aloud, or Silent Reading: Effects of Strategies on Fluency, Rebekah J. Vande Kamp
Submissions from 2017
Dialogic Reading and Building Children’s Vocabulary, Melissa Boer
Preschool for Parents: A Website for Parents to Review the Benefits of a Proper Early Childhood Education, Tahrae L. Bonnes
Integrating Technology into Morning Meeting in Early Childhood, Micaela Borer
Preschool Social Emotional Learning and Curriculum Design: The Changing System, Amy J. Clark
A Review of Literature: Project Based Learning in Early Childhood, Danielle Claussen
Effects of Upper Elementary Grade Reading Buddies on Literacy Skill Concepts Development in At Risk Preschool Students, Brianna Cleland
The Use of Visual Schedules, Amber Connelly
Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Using Evidence Based Practices, Michaela Creighton
Successful Strategies to Assist Children With Challenging Behaviors, Kristy L. De Jong
The Impact of See the Sound Visual Phonics Has on Beginning Readers, Kelsey R. Dewes
Spatial-Temporal Math and its Effect on Student Achievement, Nicole Dillnger
Growth Mindset Affects Elementary Students, Clarissa Einck
Kagan Cooperative Learning Structures and the Effects on Student Achievement and Engagement, Lisa M. Farmer
The Effect of Take Home Literacy Bags on Parents’ Feelings Towards School, Lisa Fernstrum
Using a Language and Literacy Intervention to Increase Autistic Students' Social Interactions with Peers, Ellyn Goerdt
Speaking my Language: Nurturing Augmentative and Alternative Communication Use Across Settings and Communication Partners in Early Childhood, Allison Grainger
Integrating Technology into Kindergarten Writing Program, Colleen K. Hahn
Flexible Seating in the Early Childhood Classroom, Chasity L. Hardin
Can You Improve Phonological Awareness with Skill Boxes through a Five-Minute Daily Routine?, Lisa Holland
Outdoor Learning in Early Childhood, Holly Hooven
The Importance of Play in Early Childhood Education, Melissa Irvin
How to Boost Literacy in Ages Birth to Three, Brianna Johnson
Phonemic Awareness Interventions and Their Effects on FAST Scores, Shari Lehnhoff
The Impact of Physical Activity on Academic Growth, Elizabeth Jane Merritt
Kinesthetic Movement Activities and Boys’ Engagement and Behavior in Literacy, Mallory Munden
Impact of Student Learning Communities on Student Achievement in the Classroom, Sarah B. Nelson
Gross Motor in the Preschool Classroom, Sherryll Reed
Authentic Intellectual Work and Student Achievement, Allison Robbins