Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 2023


A Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) in a school district or building creates equitable learning opportunities for all students. Charles City MIddle School (CCMS) has spent the last few years focusing on tier one, which is the universal tier provided to all students. Now that CCMS has implemented strong tier one instruction across the building, their tier two supports for students are an area in need of improvement. The purpose of this school improvement plan is to implement an effective WIN (What I Need) time in seventh and eighth grades at CCMS. Providing interventions outside of the classroom on top of core instruction will not only increase proficiency levels on the Iowa Statewide Assessment for Student Progress (ISASP), but it will also begin to close the achievement gap for struggling learners. The research for this proposed plan focused on the achievement gap, Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), academic equity for student subgroups, and perceptions of academic interventions. The research suggested that an intervention period in the day would be impactful to student learning, but it is essential to create equitable opportunities for all students. In conclusion, this plan proposes that all seventh and eighth grade teachers at CCMS provide a math, reading or writing intervention during WIN time. These interventions will be based on multiple data points that are analyzed as a content Professional Learning Community (PLC).

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