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Publication Date

Fall 2023


Van Allen Elementary is one of 21 elementary schools in the Iowa City Community School District (ICCSD). Van Allen Elementary serves 455 students and has 32 certified educators on staff. ICCSD is a High Reliability School (HRS) with a current focus on level one, which includes leading indicator 1.6: safe, supportive, and collaborative culture. As of October 2023, Van Allen Elementary has 75 total behavior referrals for the 2023-24 school year. There is a restorative team made up of certified educators and the building principal; however, the problem is teachers and administration do not have an adequate amount of training to effectively implement restorative practices in their classrooms and buildings. Research shows the impact of implementing restorative practices as prevention and restoration for a strong school community. The school improvement plan will increase educators' capacity of knowledge about restorative practices and arm them with tools and strategies to increase collective efficacy and staff synergy.

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