Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 2021


The purpose of this literature review is to gather evidence on the effect of implementing socialemotional- learning (SEL) in schools and the impact of SEL curriculum has on student achievement. Social emotional skills are essential skills people use to interact with others, manage and regulate their own emotions, make appropriate decisions, and address social circumstances. Teachers use SEL programs to directly and indirectly address social skills and social interactions in the classroom. This review of the research shares the outcomes of studies that highlight a variety of methods available to teach children social skills and the benefits of mastering those skills, including the long-term benefits from implementing SEL in the classroom and schools. The wide-spread financial commitment by schools for implementation of SEL programs indicates the benefits of the social emotional development of young children through their journey in school and in life. This literature review explores research about the growing topic of social emotional skills, the effect of social emotional skills on student achievement, research of social emotional learning (SEL) programs, the implementation and the effective strategies to teach social skills to all children, especially those come from a diverse background. Several researchers recognize a positive connection between a child's social emotional skills and development and achievement in school.

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