Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 2024


This action research was inspired by the researcher’s interest to better understand teaching strategies to help students who are Dual Language Learners (DLLs) improve their English language, communication skills, and classroom engagement. The researcher wanted to know how modeling and visual cues affect the language and communication abilities of preschool DLLs in the classroom. Over four weeks, the researcher observed three four-year-old DLL students in a public, full-day, inclusive preschool setting. To determine the students’ levels on the English Language Acquisitions objectives, the researcher used an embedded mixed-methods design by collecting and interpreting observations before entering them into Teaching Strategies GOLD. Observations were analyzed using a rubric to determine the DLL students’ level of independence. The study's findings indicate there was some improvement in DLL students' communication, comprehension, and following directions after modeling and visual cues were incorporated into daily instruction, but it is unclear whether this helps students become more independent in comprehending language and communication abilities. The researcher concluded more research is needed to understand how modeling and visual cues influence DLLs' development of language, comprehension, and communication skills.
