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Publication Date
Fall 2024
ol improvement plan focuses on prioritizing student data and equity in the development of Peakview Elementary's Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS). The goal is to reform the existing MTSS framework by implementing research-based strategies to enhance Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), discipline practices, and the special education referral process. A comprehensive review of effective support systems and identified disproportionalities informed the analysis of Peakview’s student data and MTSS practices, revealing key areas for improvement. The proposed action plan adopts a collaborative, data-driven approach to address these needs. In addition to the establishment of Data Teams, the plan emphasizes the consistent documentation of discipline and intervention data, along with the analysis of referral trends, to identify gaps in the PBIS system and curriculum. Progress will be monitored through metrics such as the rate of MTSS referrals, discipline and intervention referral trends by demographic group, and comparisons of special education referrals by response-to-intervention outcomes or parent requests. Successful implementation of this plan is expected to stabilize existing support systems, foster accountability in delivering equitable, data-informed instruction, and ultimately improve student outcomes.