Document Type


Publication Date

Summer 2024


Young children learn language through interactions with their caregivers. The quantity and quality of interactions between caregivers and children impact later language outcomes. A research gap exists around childcare and the interactions between adults and toddlers. Does professional development on evidenced-based language-boosting strategies provided for childcare workers improve outcomes regarding the quality and quantity of interactions with toddlers in childcare settings? A small group of childcare providers were observed and offered professional development to determine if these strategies could be effectively utilized in the childcare setting. The research revealed that when given the opportunity to learn and improve the quality and quantity of their interactions, childcare providers successfully implemented language-boosting strategies with the young children in their care. This research underscores the positive impact that childcare providers can have on young children's language development. It is essential to equip them with the necessary knowledge and tools to support the children's success in their care.

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