"Influence of Step Tracking and Heart Rate Monitoring on Student Partic" by John Sparrow

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2024


This action research was driven by the teacher’s interest in introducing pedometers and heart rate monitors into the physical education setting. The goal was to see the influence they would have on student participation during class. The researcher used quantitative data collection over a two-week period. Data was collected using an Accusplit Eagle 120XL pedometer for steps and a Polar OH1+ heart rate monitor for heart rate. The research was conducted to analyze the influence pedometers and heart rate monitors have on student participation in PE. The researcher is a K-12 physical education teacher in his twentieth year of teaching. The findings showed that students who wore pedometers during the two-week research period increased their weekly steps from week 1 to week 2. The findings also showed that students who wore the heart rate trackers increased the percentage of time in class in the MVPA zone but with limited data. The research was conducted to impact future physical education classroom practices pertaining to influencing participation.

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