
Rebecca D. Rael

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2023


This school improvement plan (SIP) aims to identify and implement tangible practices to welcome families of color to the SCCS Tinley Park Campus and create pathways for cultural discussions to begin and grow within the school community. The plan also includes lesson plan materials in the form of tips and guidelines for conversation starters, a list of notable living people of color, technology resources and books for teachers to use in the classroom as they model and scaffold multicultural relationship building amongst students. This SIP also seeks to answer the question “What are effective strategies for increasing parent engagement from families of color and how does application of those strategies translate into a vibrant and visible multicultural community?” Participants for this plan include leadership of SCCS—administration and teachers, parents within the community, and all students enrolled at SCCS Tinley. The method is qualitative with heavy reliance on interviews, small-group conversation, and observation. I conclude the only successful way to improve the school experience of our families of color is to focus our attention on developing deep, vulnerable, and lasting relationships with each other.
