"Impact of Student-Tracked Reading Fluency" by Hannah Scotton

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2022


This action research project was driven by the researcher's interest on the impact that student-tracked reading fluency has on fluency growth. The researcher implemented a repeated reading fluency intervention with a group of eight first grade students from her classroom. Four of the eight students tracked their reading fluency scores on a graph while the other four students, in the control group, did not record their data. Throughout the study, the eight would individually work with the instructor during their repeated reading. The same repeated reading passage was used with all eight students. The findings from this action research project report that each student showed progress throughout the course of the three-week intervention. Students in the treatment group who graphed their data did show more growth in their correct words read per minute compared to the control group. However, it was not a significant enough difference to conclude student-tracked reading fluency is more effective than data that is not tracked. Results do indicate that repeated reading positively impacts fluency scores.
