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The President's Page: Plant a Tree!; Homecoming '69 Schedule; 1969 Candidates for the Bachelors Degree; Northwestern Graduates Largest Class in History; Northwestern college Cultural Affairs 69-70; Faculty; New Faculty: Dr. John C. Stapert, Dr. Peter J. Hansen, Dr. Vernon Tarrell, Dr. Dalton D. Halverson, David Stegink, Dr. Jea Min La, Donald D. Jacobsen, Jean Mast; New Administrators: Roland J. Simmelink, Virgil W. Muilenburg, Mr. Norman Wolf, Arthur Hielkema, David M. Hensley, Corrine Sonneveldt; Donald Lindskoog, Ronald Juffer On Leave of Absence; Faculty Recital; Dr. Theora England Selected for Directory of American Scholars; Dean Ten Hoeve Elected Officer; Faculty Member Honored by ISEA; Awarded Doctorate; Southern Normal School Students at NC; Alumnae Selected for Outstanding Women of 1968; Art Works Shown at Westmar College; Morningside College Faculty String Trio Perform; "Lente Zang!" Presented; Annual Ministers Conference; Oratorio Presented by Combined Choirs; Two Noted Speakers Complete 1968-69 Cultural Affairs Series; Northwestern Student Receives Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation Honor; College Student Killed in Automobile Accident; Athletic Banquet; Track Letter Winners Names; Summer Research Program Includes Northwestern College Student; Van Oosterhout Political Science Scholarship Fund Established; Col. & Mrs. H.J. Ramaker Give Social Service Scholarship to Northwestern College; Alumni "N" Club Presents Laundry Equipment to Physical Education Department; Northwestern College Receives Gift from Alumnus; Necrology; Alumni News; Marriages; Births; It's Time to Look Out of a Window
Publication Date
Fall 1969
Northwestern College
Orange City
Northwestern Classic, alumni magazine, public relations, Northwestern College