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The President's Page; Prexy's Old Home is Gone; Bushmer Gift Adds New Dimension to College Art Program; Endowed Scholarship for Christian Ministry; First Reformed Church, Sioux Center, Completes Special Pledge; Alumni Board Meets; Amahl and the Night Visitors, Christmas Production; Northwestern College Observes Consecration Week, November 4 to 8; Ten Colleges Form Consortium; Advaced Degrees; Alumni Ministers New Posts; Football Letter Winners Named; Children's Theatre Presentation; Faculty; The Cost-of-Education Spiral; Tuition Grants Aid Students of Moderate Means; Tuition Grants Help Colleges Through Full Enrollments, Spreading Aid Funds; The Economics of An Iowa Tuition Grant; Symposium: Black and White - Where do we go from here?; Art Show at Northwestern College; Paul Hartog Passes C.P.A. Exam; Northwestern Institutes Ministers Seminar; Fellowship Awards; Debaters Compile Impressive Record in Tournament; Speech and Drama Students Attend Oral Interpretation Festival; Lettermen's Club Elects Officers; Chapel Choir Makes First Off-Campus Appearance; College Costume Service Department; European Folk Singers Perform; Prospective Teacher Day on Northwestern Campus; Students Respond to Biafra Appeal; Northwestern Graduates in Peace Corps; Alumni News; Births; Necrology; Marriages; Northwestern on Tour
Publication Date
Winter 1968
Northwestern College
Orange City
Northwestern Classic, alumni magazine, public relations, Northwestern College