Men and women have often been seen as opposite sides of a spectrum. The tension between masculinity and femininity is created through forced stereotypes. These gendered stereotypes along with implicit gender bias work together to enforce gender discrimination. An area of society that is impacted by this gender discrimination is the workplace. The current study looks to investigate the gender discrimination that is found in the workplace, and more specifically in the hiring process. Through the use of fake gendered resumes, participants report employer perception scores which are used to dissect gender favoritism in the hiring process. Though this study does not report any significant results for this investigation, work in this area has shown that gendered stereotypes hinder the abilities that women have in the workplace and limit the number of jobs they receive call backs for.
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Gender Bias in the Hiring Process: The Sexism You Don’t See
Men and women have often been seen as opposite sides of a spectrum. The tension between masculinity and femininity is created through forced stereotypes. These gendered stereotypes along with implicit gender bias work together to enforce gender discrimination. An area of society that is impacted by this gender discrimination is the workplace. The current study looks to investigate the gender discrimination that is found in the workplace, and more specifically in the hiring process. Through the use of fake gendered resumes, participants report employer perception scores which are used to dissect gender favoritism in the hiring process. Though this study does not report any significant results for this investigation, work in this area has shown that gendered stereotypes hinder the abilities that women have in the workplace and limit the number of jobs they receive call backs for.