
We aim to measure the H-alpha line excess over the photometric continuum for distant quasi-stellar radio objects, or quasars. Supermassive black holes grow in mass through accretion of stars or gas nearby, often outshining the total stellar light of the galaxies they reside in, for quasars. On the other hand, the structure of these active galactic nuclei are hard to resolve, where we often rely on the relationship in between different light emission regions to better understand the geometry and emission mechanisms. In this work, we measure the H-alpha luminosity of 44 quasars at z>5 (light coming from less than 10% the age of the universe) in order to comprehensively constrain the line-to-continuum luminosity relation for the first time at z>5. We present our preliminary results on how to fit the spectral energy distribution consisting of multiple photometric fluxes along a wide range of wavelengths. We will discuss the implication of our results within the context of the formation of active galactic nuclei substructures.


Apr 11th, 11:00 AM Apr 11th, 1:00 PM

H(Hydrogen)-alpha Spectral Imaging of z>5 Quasars

We aim to measure the H-alpha line excess over the photometric continuum for distant quasi-stellar radio objects, or quasars. Supermassive black holes grow in mass through accretion of stars or gas nearby, often outshining the total stellar light of the galaxies they reside in, for quasars. On the other hand, the structure of these active galactic nuclei are hard to resolve, where we often rely on the relationship in between different light emission regions to better understand the geometry and emission mechanisms. In this work, we measure the H-alpha luminosity of 44 quasars at z>5 (light coming from less than 10% the age of the universe) in order to comprehensively constrain the line-to-continuum luminosity relation for the first time at z>5. We present our preliminary results on how to fit the spectral energy distribution consisting of multiple photometric fluxes along a wide range of wavelengths. We will discuss the implication of our results within the context of the formation of active galactic nuclei substructures.


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