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Board of Trustees approves strategic planning process; Council explore fundamental questions; Enrollment high again; I have an investment for you!; Washington event honors NWC; Fakkema is constant in NWC promoter; Northwestern honors Parent of Year; NWC dedicates carillon; Ver Mulm uses technology to teach; Alum new board member; Alumni of the Year; Vogelaar works to improve Christian-Muslim relations; Students receive honors; Humorous historian: Dr. Michael Kugler; Barber studies in London; On the other side; Fall highlights; Gunderson Coach of Year; Standouts inducted into Hall of Fame; Standouts inducted into Hall of Fame; Alumni Corner; Van de Waas vouch for joy of giving; Kaufman returns to Vietnam; Tax Alert!; Year-end gifts of appreciated assets: A great way to give!;
Publication Date
Winter 1998
Northwestern College
Orange City
Northwestern News, alumni magazine, public relations, Northwestern College
Recommended Citation
Public Relations, "Northwestern News, Winter 1997-1998" (1998). Northwestern News. 29.