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Management team provides leadership in interim; Renovations begin in science wing of Van Peursem Hall; A privileged position; Weiss and Carlson to lead academics; Alum named chaplain; NCATE reaccredits education program; Students serve around world; Student receives prestigious environmental awards; Veldhuis receives teaching award; Two named endowed profs; Grant aids children's literature collection; Academic changes ready for fall; Muilenburg retires after 21 years; Faculty and students pursue summer research; Writing major to be offered; NWC honors employees; Board announces faculty promotions; Lessons in the city; In love with the "enemy"; Huizenga named volunteer of year; Rising to the top; Finale for faculty foursome; Several receive national honors; Gridders play in all-star game; Mulder retire from coaching; Bloemendaal resigns as head baseball coach; Planned Giving notes; Remembering in Littleton; Prayer corner; Vander Veen honored; Hulsing leads team to third straight at state; Nelson helps make hits;
Publication Date
Summer 1999
Northwestern College
Orange City
Northwestern News, alumni magazine, public relations, Northwestern College
Recommended Citation
Public Relations, "Northwestern News, Summer 1999" (1999). Northwestern News. 26.