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The seven distinctives of Northwestern; Choir to tour in Europe; Planning for new library begins; Reviewers give education department thumbs up; Students attend jury trial; Curtain rises for new theatre; 9/11 drama opens Northwestern's new theatre; Group assists Guatemalan children; Experts speak to Kin audience; Sophomore elected city councilman; Koster closes file on 19 years of service; Academic dean resigns; Faculty/staff news; Teaching Trust: Smits model faith in the face of adversity: Parents of the Year; A Reformed Mennonite: Faculty profile Mike Yoder; A Savory Legacy: Prof impacts students in classroom and kitchen: Alumni profile Virg Muilenburg; Deep-Sea Adventure: Alumni profile Frank Heemstra; Doing What's Asked: Career choices and volunteer work reveal alumna's willingness to serve: Alumni profile Fannie Menning; Building on Tradition: Homecoming 2003; Meeting a Need: Construction of Korver Visual Arts Center proved best solution to growing problem; A Beautiful Place: Students now have attractive, spacious setting in which to create; From Historical to History: After 34 years, Bushmer no longer houses art department; Irish Angel: Student profile Maggie Keelan; Sports update; Football/track complex renamed; Prayer corner; Alumni corner; Deaths; New arrivals; Marriages; Alumni news; Gratefully Busy; Alumna collects library award; Planned giving notes: It keeps giving and giving and giving; Folkerts soaks students in learning; Mom turns political activist; Faithful Support of Art
Publication Date
Winter 2003
Northwestern College
Orange City
Northwestern Classic, alumni magazine, public relations, Northwestern College