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Northwestern’s Reformed identity; NCATE reaccredits education program; NWC hosts foreign language conference; Board approves planning for new learning commons; Brogan selected for endowed professorship; County Extension honors Northwestern; Self-study first step in reaccreditation process; Students participate in summer research programs; Readership survey results positive; Dean of students accepts California position; Career Development Center to discard old credential files; Faculty/staff news; Faculty awarded mini-grants for summer research; Vandermeulen receives competitive research grant; Lilly Grant funds semester in Lithuania for Burch; In Mozart's Steps: A cappella choir performs in eastern Europe; Juggling Life: Student profile Daniel Berntston; From Pulpit to Lectern: Faculty profile Dr. Jim Mead; A Constant Among Change: Staff profile Beth DeLeeuw; Sports update; Wolf named new track coach; Athletes receive national honors; Athletic field gains new name and improvements; A New Stage: Northwestern theatre moves into state-of-the-art facility; The Playhouse; Acting the Bible: Musical of ancient Israelite dramas opens DeWitt Theatre; Determined Singer: Alumni profile Susan Van Kley; Master Teacher: Alumnus wins nation's highest science-teaching honor: Alumni profile Kevin Brasser; An Agent of Grace: Alumni profile John Boyer; Alumni service project; Chicago program reunion; Alumni corner; Deaths; New arrivals; Marriages; Alumni news; Folkers crowned Mrs. Nebraska; Prayer corner; Schultz wins state coaching award; Planned giving notes: Why endowments work; Brothers in India
Publication Date
Summer 2004
Northwestern College
Orange City
Northwestern Classic, alumni magazine, public relations, Northwestern College