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President's Report: Enabling...Enjoying...Ensuring; A Long Way From Home; A Closer Look: Kimberly Wilson, Steve Eelkema, Habeeb Awad, Vicky Ketelaar, Kris Korver, Rodney & Betty Vander Weide; Head of the Class; They Call Him 'Prof'; Writing: It's not just for English class anymore; Planning continues for campaign; Placement rate high; Choir tours West; Group brings Christian dramas to churches of Northwest; Student serves in Gulf; Band performs; Students serve over spring break; Board welcomes new member; Class evaluates Orange City substance abuse problem; NWC signs covenants with Japanese colleges; Faculty/Staff News; Men hoopsters start strong; Women set records on basketball team; National qualifies return in track; Wrestling team young; Several earn late fall season honors; The Write Stuff: Lee Ver Mulm '64 brings national honors to his high school English department; Counting His Blessings: Alumnus credits hardships for personal growth; Northwestern Bed and Breakfast Network; Alumni News; Deaths; Births; Marriages; Alumni Corner; Calendar of Events
Publication Date
Spring 1991
Northwestern College
Orange City
Northwestern Classic, alumni magazine, public relations, Northwestern College