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Musings; The Church and the Third World; National Alumni Board; Northwestern Classical Academy, 1910-1920; Celebrating a Vision; Second Generation Students 1980-81; Reuben De Valois: Honored Friend of Northwestern; Stephen Cobb on Doing Sociology; Nattress Scholarship Established; Northwestern Theatre Honored; Christmas Vespers; "The Billy Goat Song"; Twirp Events; Auction for Needy Children; "In Days of Old"; Fall Retreat; Student Missions Board Formed; Family Fair Raises $5000; Focus Weekend; Theatre Patrons Dine; Honored; Recitals; Guests; Theatre; Season Wrap-Ups; Alumni News; Where are the graduates of 1980?; Marriages; Identify Alumni; Rowenhorst Student Center Courtesy Memberships; Class of '70 Holds Reunion; All Alumni Reunion Set for 1982; T-Shirts for Future Northwesternites!; Births
Publication Date
Winter 1981
Northwestern College
Orange City
Northwestern Classic, alumni magazine, public relations, Northwestern College