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Study of music in harmony with traditional liberal arts curriculum; Partners in International Education; Vision; Author explains 'need to record thoughts on paper'; A tribute to Dr. William Angus and his wife, Joyce, by their son and their friends; Greeted; Huffman helped 'put Northwestern on the map'; Henry John Te Paske, trustee for 22 years; Scholars and Artists in residence; What's 'in store' for a stutterer?: Stutterer samples seven stores in speech survey; Parent of year; Chaplain resigns, will study for doctorate; Focus on Faculty; Theatre faculty to have plays produced; Wife of emeritus professor exhibits sculpture; Student teachers go farther afield; Chicago program lets students intern four days a week, attend seminars; Thirty four students interning this semester; Curriculum re-designed, strengthened; Play wins place at festival; Newsbriefs; Larry Korver: I couldn't be prouder; Great year for football team; Sports report; Michigan trip rewarding for players, college: Students stay with local families; Month's giving tops half-million; "A very special couple"; Development staff attends conference; What or where would we be without alumni, donor support?; Heritage Day set for May 10, day before Commencement; Floor plan, model for Chapel/Performing Arts Center; Gary De Koter joins National Leadership Committee; We need the Church; the Church needs us; Alumni News; Alumni Director's report; National board meets on campus; Who are they?; Attention Moms and Dads; Gala Auction earns $10,000; Two graduates honored; Plaque available; Alumnus of Year nominations sought; Sister seeks memories of Verlyn Rysdam, Class of '65; Phon-A-Thon; Alumnus of Year reminisces; Association gives you right stuff; Homecoming 1985; How many can you recognize?; Three ways you can help Northwestern; Spring Tours scheduled; Trivial Pursuit - Northwestern version; Births; Mergers; Marriages; Deaths; News from around the nation
Publication Date
Spring 1985
Northwestern College
Orange City
Northwestern Classic, alumni magazine, public relations, Northwestern College