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The Expanding Campus; the President's Greeting; Campus Expansion; Academic Opporunities or Academic Standards? -- An Editorial; Registration tops 400 for 32% over previous year; Plans develop for Fine Arts Festival; Convocation speaker urges living to high purpose; Faculty attends lakeside workshop; Northwestern teacher-training complete with secondary program approved, new majors offered; Faculty growth paces curriculum expansion; Classroom briefs; Dr. Paul Harrisons to be featured, Consecration Week; U.S. grants $29,700 students loan funds; Dramatics group re-chartered as Alpha Psi Omega; Leon Aalberts named Student Senate prexy; Northwestern offers courses by television; Springtime -- at Northwestern; 75th Commencement an Historic Occasion; Gala Homecoming Planned, October 13-14; New 45-piece band to "pep" Homecoming; Football prospects greatly improved; Strengthened Raiders Face Midland, at Homecoming; Do you know 'em?; 79 Fruitful Years.. in Perspective; Farewell to the Academy; Old Frontiers and New: Then and Now; Summer caravan: challenge and blessing; What Northwestern has meant to me; Hindu Ayur-veda and Indian Medicine Today; A partial portrait of Soren Keirkegaard; Can you help? Library needs magazines, books, annuals;
Publication Date
Fall 1961
Northwestern College
Orange City
Northwestern Classic, alumni magazine, public relations, Northwestern College