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Long Range Planning; Baccalaureate, Commencement Speakers; Harry Brower; I.D. Weeks; Alumni Banquet; News from Deptartments, Organizations;Faculty; Gordon McKinstrey; Thomas Ten Hoeve; Library Science Instructor; Mrs. Howard Schutter; Athletics; Red Raiders win conference, are chosen for NAIA playoff; Basketball Coach of the Year; Paul Muyskens; Dave Korver; Darrell Kreun; Dick Groenhout; Alumni News; Grace Gerritsen; Nellie Straks; John Straks; Hubert Kuyper; Isaac Hospers; William Vande Steeg; John Vos; Nickolas Rozeboom; Maurice Te Paske; Jerry Vanden; Anna Marie Lubbers; Elene Lubbers; Cornie Keunen; Alvina Sprik; Belbert Van Maanen; Samuel Noordhoff; Edgar De Vries; Phyllis De Groot; Clarence Pennings; Don Vander Weide; Carol Bomgaars; Joanne Deegan; Carol Andringa; Thelma Brands; Donald Van Etten; Eugene Haverdink; Thelma Jouwstra; Harm Oldenkamp; Harold Van Wettering; Joyce Shcreur; Allen Reinking; Kenneth Hollinga; Don Vander Soep; Dorothy De Boer; Wilma Haack; Rosalie Mulder; Russell Doorendos; Joyce Heemstra; Robert Muilenburg; James NEwendorp; Willis Vander Woude; Gary Koerseman; John Te Paske; Stanley Ekdom; David Van Engelenhoven; Kenneth Haack; Loren Bolks; Jerry Kobes; Gary Van Koevering; Alice Swart; Articles of Lasting Interest; The Dutch Cart Befor the Horse Who Fell in the Well; The 76th Chapter; The Moral; Concerning the Man with Dropsy And Concerning the Meekness and Compassion Shown by Jesus Eating with the Pharisees and Teaching Them; Congressman Hoeven Collection; Charles Hoeven

Publication Date

Spring 1965


Northwestern College


Orange City


Northwestern Classic, alumni magazine, public relations, Northwestern College

The Classic, Spring 1965
