A study was conducted to examine the integration of visuomotor and auditory input in the context of creating art. An experiment was performed in which an experimental group colored coloring sheets and a control group closed their eyes all while listening to three segments of podcasts. A week later, participants were asked to recall the podcasts, during which the experimental group had their coloring sheets. It was hypothesized that the participants who created art while listening to the podcasts and had their art as a visual cue during podcast recall would score higher in recall than those who did not create art while listening and therefore did not have a recall cue. No significant difference in scores was found. Taking the study’s limitations into account, possible implications for art therapy are discussed.
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Cross-modal Integration: Visuomotor Activity, Auditory Recall, and Its Implications for Art Therapy
A study was conducted to examine the integration of visuomotor and auditory input in the context of creating art. An experiment was performed in which an experimental group colored coloring sheets and a control group closed their eyes all while listening to three segments of podcasts. A week later, participants were asked to recall the podcasts, during which the experimental group had their coloring sheets. It was hypothesized that the participants who created art while listening to the podcasts and had their art as a visual cue during podcast recall would score higher in recall than those who did not create art while listening and therefore did not have a recall cue. No significant difference in scores was found. Taking the study’s limitations into account, possible implications for art therapy are discussed.