Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2024


This action research was driven by the researcher’s interest in improving struggling reading students at the middle school level through a reading intervention course. The researcher used quantitative data through FastBridge CompEfficency to monitor the nine-week reading intervention course and evaluate students' progress weekly. The areas addressed in the intervention are reading comprehension skills of paraphrasing, main idea identification, summarizing, and inferencing. The researcher is a seventh-grade teacher in her sixth year of teaching reading classes and two reading intervention courses. The findings of the research showed that a few students were able to improve their reading skills and achieve the benchmark score. However, most of the students did not improve their benchmark scores. The goal of this research was to improve instruction for struggling readers in the intervention courses by providing them with the necessary knowledge and skills to improve their reading. The findings of this research will guide the future curriculum for the classroom and reading skills addressed.

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