Document Type


Publication Date

Summer 2019


This purpose of this action research project was to determine the impact of combining social, emotional, behavioral and academic interventions and their effects on academic achievement for at-risk elementary students. Data was collected from SAEBRS to determine social/emotional risk and the FAST Early Literacy Universal Screener to determine academic risk. For twelve weeks the researcher implemented Resiliency interventions and targeted 1-on-1 literacy interventions. This was done in addition to Tier 1 classroom interventions and Tier 2 Title interventions. The intervention program was implemented every school day for 15 minutes. The teacher began each intervention session by allowing the student to choose a greeting to exchange with the teacher and allowed the students to share about their life or a story for up to 2 minutes. This process helped create a safe learning environment, a positive relationship, and resiliency. Targeted 1-on-1 guided reading instruction using Journey's reading curriculum and leveled text was also implemented as the academic intervention. These interventions targeted student's social and emotional needs as well as academic needs. Data was collected through quantitative testing done weekly to show students' increase in correct words per minute. The CBM-R progress monitoring materials provided by FAST Bridge were used during this process.
