The Classic, February 1958
Northwestern Junior College and Classical Academy
President's Message; Auditorium Dedication Speaker; Historical Memories; Present $30,000 Annuity Gift for Auditorium; New Grand Piano Given to College; New Publication Available on Request; Northwestern Teacher-Graduates; "N" Club Members Gather; Facts and Figures about our Auditorium; Out of the Mail Bag; Northwestern Serves our Churches; Annual College Play - "Anastasia"; Correction; Presents Family's Dutch Bible; Keep in Touch with Alumni Office!; Weddings; Future Northwesternites; Deaths
The Classic, May 1958
Northwestern Junior College and Classical Academy
President's Message; "Distinguished Service Citations" Presented; Netherlands Ambassador Visits Campus; Special Baccalaureate Speaker; Prof. Ralph Mouw Receives Scholarship; Acres of Diamonds; 75th Anniversary Campus Highlights; Board of Education, R.C.A., Comments Northwestern in 75th Anniversary Year Resolution; Financial Facts; Congratulatory Telegram; Career Day on Northwestern Campus; Thanks, Alumni...And Welcome!; Future Northwesternites; Wedding Bells; In Memoriam; Out of the Mail Bag; Honored for Academic Excellence
The Classic, August 1958
Northwestern Junior College and Classical Academy
President's Message; Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship Awarded to Dr. Preston J. Stegenga; New Additions to Northwestern's Full-Time Teaching Staff: Dr. Blaise Levai, Mr. Thomas Ten Hoeve, Rev. Henri Steunenberg, Miss Marilyn De Beer; Students Attend Northwestern from Many Lands; Student Recruitment; Future Northwesternites; Wedding Bells; In Memoriam; Out of the Mail Bag; College Graduates - 1958; Academy Graduates - 1958
The Classic, November 1958
Northwestern Junior College and Classical Academy
President's Message; Support for Northwestern; Know Your College; Four Year Program; Consecration Week; Alumni Reunion; Student Essay: "Following Christ"; Teachers' Summer Workshop; Out of the Mail Bag; Wedding Bells; Future Northwesternites; In Memoriam; Quotable Quotes
The Classic, February 1959
Northwestern Junior College and Classical Academy
President's Message; National Recognition; Board of Education, RCA; Ministers' Conference; Summer Workshop; Alumni Day; Out of the Mail Bag; Baccalaureate; Easter Sunrise Service; What Consecration Week has Meant to Me; President-Emeritus, Dr. Heemstra, Succumbs as Result of Coronary Attack, October 23rd, 1958; Recent Gifts to Northwestern; Third Year Program; Weddings; Future Northwesternites; Prayer
The Classic, May 1959
Northwestern Junior College and Classical Academy
Northwestern's New Men's Dormitory; President's Message; Commencement Activities; Alumni Day Events - May 23, 1959; Proposed Summer School; For Such a Time as This; 4 Year Bachelor Degree Program; Scholarship Funds Awarded Northwestern; Literary Recognition; Recent Gifts to Northwestern; Out of the Mail Bag; My Philosophy of Education; Faculty Recognition; Weddings; Future Northwesternites; Deaths
The Classic, August 1959
Northwestern Junior College and Classical Academy
President's Message; Faculty Summer Graduate Study; New "N" Club Officers; Valedictory Messages of 1959: "The Forward Look", "Whither Thou Goest"; Full-Time Additions to Northwestern's Teaching Staff: Stephen A. Ekdom, Dr. Thomas N. Risk, Dr. Sylvio Scorza; Part-Time Additions to Northwestern's Teaching Staff: Mr. Max Leget, Dr. Robert A. Rohwer; Recent Gifts to Northwestern; 1959 College Graduates, and Their Plans; 1959 Academy Graduates, and Their Plans; Weddings; Future Northwesternites; Deaths; Enrollment Prospects 1959-60; Northwestern Evening School Courses, 1959-60; Out of the Mail Bag
The Classic, November 1959
Northwestern Junior College and Classical Academy
Northwestern Homecoming, 1959; The President's Message; "It's Worth Your Life" by Dr. Justin Vander Kolk; News of Our Alumni; Future Northwesternites; Alumnus Called to Hope Church; A Note on Our "Family Ties"; From the Mail Bag; Reviewing Northwestern's Finances; The Rev. Harold De Roo, Consecration Speaker; The Dean's Corner; Rare Bible Presented to Northwestern; Recent Gifts to Northwestern; The Beacon, Too, Is Back in Print...; Through the Eyes of an Indian; The Rev. James Baar to Address Rally; The Rev. Donald De Young Addresses Joing "Y'S"; News about Christian Missions; The First Twelve Years of the Church of South Asia; Current Mission Publications; Congratulations to Dr. Justin Vander Kolk; Wanted - Magazines!
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