Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2024


Research indicates that phonological awareness ranks among the most crucial abilities and predictors of future success in reading. Additionally, studies have highlighted the correlation between phonemic awareness and reading proficiency, as well as the deficiency in both pre-service and in-service teachers' understanding of fundamental language constructs. In response to these findings, a school improvement plan has been devised, incorporating a supplementary phonemic awareness program aimed at enhancing students' knowledge and skills in this area. Moreover, the plan entails bolstering teacher expertise through tailored training sessions and further professional development opportunities tailored to address specific needs. This initiative will contribute valuable insights by comparing the proficiency levels of Lambert Elementary students with those of their counterparts in the local AEA and the state of Iowa, as well as analyzing historical data and growth trends within the school over the academic year. Successful implementation of this program is expected to result in notable advancements in students' foundational literacy skills proficiency.
