Document Type


Publication Date

Summer 2019


The following literature review explores the impact of learning early math and numeracy skills prior to formal schooling on later academic success. Much of the current focus in early childhood is based around literacy. However, as this literature review shows, early math skills are a more powerful predictor of academic success through elementary school. Several studies have been performed to show the significance of these skills on future math success and were consulted for this review. Within this review is what early math and numeracy skills are, how they develop in young children, the importance of these skills, how they affect later math success, and best practices for teaching early math and literacy skills to young children. By analyzing the previous literature and research and combining it with my own experiences, it is obvious that early math has a strong impact on later academic achievement, especially math success. This information is pertinent to parents, early childhood educators, administrators, district officials and curriculum developers. Further research on the connection to higher level math classes in middle and high school, as well as the connection to other subjects is needed to strengthen this research.
