
Beacon Staff

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; Across Campus: The Bird Boy; Floyd River Race; Lamrof switches out the tuxes for the tires; Pregnant but not in private; Final reflections and memories from Muscat, Oman; Support for our SGA; It’s time to speak up to SGA; Fleet Foxes' follow-up filled with life; Tina Fey becomes the boss in “Bossypants”; Farewell, Steve Carell; Portal’s puzzles get bigger, wider; Campus quotes; If you could revisit the last 8 minutes...; Although not as novel, Portal sequel remains mind-bending; How to: determine what you believe and why; Barber brought bliss to Fern; How justifiable is the royal wedding fever for Americans?; One queen in, one queen out:As Middleton joins royal family,West queen Currier leaves NW; Mueller is 'all smiles' after advancing in model contest; Baseball riding hot streak; Top 20 picks full of questions, similar to 2011 season; Women shoot best round of season; Softball splits match-ups; Young guns lead Raiders at Doane; Seniors bid farewell; Kevin Durant’s coming out playoff series; Legion History: The birth of a tradition; West Battle 2011: The legacy continues
